Today we eat Jjangeya (짱이야) and Jjangu (짱구). Both look like round pumpkins without a top nor bottom and were created in the 1970s. It's the battle of the Jjangs. If you watched KWOW #41, then you know that jjang (짱) means "best." Which snack knocks out the other? Only one way to find out: dive into Professor Oh's snack tub!

The fun and right (yet not necessarily most efficient) way to enjoy these crackers is by placing them on the tips of your fingers. Then one at a time, crunch on the pieces.

Jjangeya is glazed with sesame seeds and looks sweeter than it tastes. Fruits are more flavorful than Jjangeya! From a child's point of view, 4 out of 5 kpop stars, due to the playfulness. From an adult's perspective, 2 out of 5 kpop stars.

Jjangu is a more developed version of Jjangeya. It's sweeter, thus more tastier. Dear Jjangu, you get 5 out of 5 kpop stars.

This week we make... JJANG SCRAMBLED EGG!

I can't say it was the "best" scrambled egg I've ever had, but it was definitely one of the most unique.
